Project HIP
Project H.I.P stands for Handling It before Prison, the program is a means of intervention and diversion for low-level juvenile offenders ages 13 – 17 referred by Clayton County Juvenile Court. The goals of the program are to show youth the consequences of poor choices and decisions in hopes it would empower them to make better choices and avoid further involvement with the court system.
The program consists of a keynote address that is delivered to both the youth and parents. There are two subsequent breakout sessions, one for youth and another for parents. The program begins with a meal, served from 6:00 to 6:30, from there the program session begins and will continue until 8:30. Parents and youth complete a survey at the end of the program and the results are compiled by the Juvenile Court.
Project H.I.P is facilitated in partnership with the Clayton County Juvenile Court
2nd Wednesday of each month
6 – 6:30pm Meal Served
6:30 – 8:30pm Session Begins